Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sis sent me an interesting email. Seems to be a lack of American Flags as a backdrop in Obama's White House press conferences. Surprised?
James Carvell, a Democrap pundit, had an interesting thought today. " The best thing that could happen to the Democraps would be to have the Court through out the Obama Care law".  Damn, that would really send the Repups scrambling for a new campaign line. Maybe then we could get to the issue saving what is left of America.

On a side note: I wonder which end of his anatomy Al Sharpton is talking from? Oh Well, never mind because you can't tell the difference. He believes he has affluent effluent. 

Monday, February 13, 2012


This last Sunday I visited a new prospect for a church home. The service was wonderful. The congregation was lovely. I did enjoy myself. After the service my wife, my son and his family and I went to Costco. After an hour or so of shopping, sampling and gawking I excused myself to go to the front of the store and wait for the others. As I departed my wife called me back and said "Don't put your hands in your pants pockets". As i looked at her quizzically she explained. "The seat of you pants is ripped and when you put your hands in your pockets it pull the seam open".

Only somewhat embarrassed I put on my coat and walked to the front of the store. After sitting down, with my back against the wall, I investigated my dilemma. OMG - the rear seam of my trousers was non-existent until 2 inches below the belt line. Furthermore, I had put on a pair of religious underwear - wholly, wholly, wholly . Need I say that the continental divide of my glutius  maximus was on a rather full display.

I do remember, at church, something bumping my backside. I turn to apologize and the dearest 80 something "lady" just smiled at me with a twinkle in her eye.  I really liked that church too.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The political pie divided 2 ways.

 The Washington political scene reminds me of the NFL. On the left we have the Democrap National Conference. On the right we have the Republicant National Conference. Every 4 years they play the "Let's Screw  The American Voter Bowl". The outcome of the game has no relevance to anyone except themselves and their political pundit wannabes and of course the puffed up national media news makers.

When TEA party served notice in 2010 the above constabulary did everything to discredit the voters, who had the audacity to challenge them.
Those who call the TEA party racists or  "Uncle Tom" servers are the True Racist. I have yet to hear of a TEA party rally that was closed to anyone. The news makers are touting the TEA party as washed up and mo longer effective.  In reality, what has become ineffective is the Washington 3 Whole Outhouse labeled President, Congress and Supreme Court. If the Republicants don't want to change the game, let us, the TEA party, take it away from them and change the name.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

WTF is with the RNC???????????

In the 2008 elections we witnessed the Republic National Committee (RNC) not supporting at least 3 TEA Party candidates. The RNC reelected Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Chris Coons. They even went so far as to send their 2 top political pundits, Krauthammer and Rove, to mock the TEA Party/Republican candidates on national television. How interesting that the “Republicans” report they don’t really have an RNC leadership. Yet, every Republican Presidential Candidate has been systematically thrown under the campaign buss, except Romney!  This is the same Republican Establishment that gave us John McCain. Here they are again, trying to deliver another milk toast candidate to defeat the Obama/Democratic machine. Our country cannot afford 4 more years of the Obama Presidency and we may well not survive our Constitution, which has been so greatly eroded by the last 2 administrations.

As I see it – the Republican “Establishment” Party (REP) wants the status quo – they don’t want to drink the TEA. The REP/RNC has swung so far left; the conservative TEA scares the hell out of them. I can hear the DNC telling the RNC that “they collectively” need to get the TEA out of the soup. The American People are not likening the Elephant and Jackass old dung soup recipe our corrupted two party system has fed us so long.

It seems the RNC only considers the TEA Party as a poison ivy infection. Scratch it a little, put some soothing lotion on it and IT will go away. Romney, the centrist, is that lotion. Please let us remember there are other elections besides the Presidential this year. Many of the TEA Party candidates have performed admirably. Those who have languished need to be replaced. Those who have been there to long need to be replaced.

Foremost, Barrack H, Obama must not serve a second term.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

To Carry A Concealed Weapon

Saturday was an intense interesting day. I completed the class necessary to be eligible for a permit to carry a concealed firearm. The intensity was due to the instructor's emphasis on all of the responsibilities you assume when you make the decision to carry that weapon. The responsibility of your life, someone else's life and the legal abbess resulting from an event.  The fact that, once you make a decision to protect, you must present the weapon and fire in a split second.  Failure to react correctly would probably result in loss of your life and the lives of others in proximity.  Am I ready to assume that responsibility?  I have not answered that question. Will I complete the process for the permit? Yes.  Will I carry concealed? Probably.
Will I ever use the weapon defensively? I pray that I won't have to!